
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans LGBT flag 17th March, 2021

Call for innovations to address LGBT+ health inequalities

The AHSN Network seeks innovations that can support the LGBTQ+ community

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08th March, 2021

Covid Protect shielding programme highlighted as best practice in new Yale report

New roadmap makes recommendations for digital transformation based on successful Norfolk COVID-19 programme

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NHS pathway transformation fund extended 21st January, 2021

NHS funding available to support roll out of approved rapid uptake innovations

NHS announces deadline extended for Pathway Transformation Fund (PTF) applications amidst COVID-19 pressures

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Cancer patient and child 11th December, 2020

Showcasing oncology innovations with Macmillan Cancer Support

Health Innovation East partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support for an innovation matching event focussed on oncology.

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DrDoctor outpatient appointment 09th December, 2020

New digital platform to manage outpatient appointments piloted in one of the region’s largest NHS trusts

Health Innovation East secure pilot of DrDoctor to help local trust efficiently manage outpatient appointments demand amidst COVID-19.

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Dr Jason Mellad Start Codon Ideas to Impact podcast 24th November, 2020

Ideas to Impact podcast: Dr Jason Mellad

We spoke to Dr Jason Mellad from Start Codon about why businesses embracing diversity are setting themselves up for success and he suggested

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