We connect with those working at the forefront of health and care to encourage innovation from within the system. We help health and care practitioners to identify the challenges they are facing and match them with a solution to address their challenge and meet local system priorities.
We can help identify and implement the best innovations in health and care. We can help you focus on evidence backed programmes to meet the needs of your patients.
We deliver the roll out of nationally driven programmes, including patient safety programmes, healthcare inequalities initiatives and innovations selected by NHS England as part of the MedTech Funding Mandate. We are a trusted partner to the NHS and as the innovation arm of the NHS in the East of England and we can support you to adopt and spread proven innovations and help deliver a lasting legacy for health and care across our region.
Help us understand the challenges you’re facing in health and care so that we can match your problems with the right solution : Let us know.
We also know that a great ideas can take many forms and some of the best ideas come from those who are working directly in health and care:
As we live in the largest life sciences cluster in Europe and have brilliant health and care practitioners, we also want our community to benefit from both creating better health outcomes and more prosperity by enabling clinical teams to share their views with innovators and vice versa.
As the innovation arm of the NHS in the East of England, we have proven experience accelerating and driving innovations to scale within the NHS, find out more about our consultancy and advisory work here.
We encourage partners and stakeholders to work together to support clinical entrepreneurs with ideas to transform health and care. If you have an idea, please check our page for innovators to find out how we can support you.
Innovation should never come at the price of patient safety. At Health Innovation East we host the Eastern Patient Safety Collaborative (PSC), tasked with embedding the National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (NatPatSIPs) across our region.
Our patient safety team is funded and co-ordinated by NHS England to play a critical role in identifying and spreading safer care initiatives across our region.
We do this by working across acute, non-acute and community settings to quickly share and spread evidence-based practices, products and tools.
Our Medicines Safety Improvement Programme (MedSIP) aims to reduce errors in the administration of medicines in care homes, to improve the safety and experience of care. Our work includes mapping out what is working around medicines safety in care homes, exploring the nature and scale of medication errors and assessing the quality improvement capabilities of care home staff. This allows us to understand current delivery processes, in addition to the nature and scale of any issues so that we can support improvement interventions.
The Managing Deterioration Safety Improvement Programme (ManDetSIP) aims to reduce deterioration-associated harm by improving the prevention, identification, escalation and response to physical deterioration, through better system co-ordination and as part of safe and reliable pathways of care by March 2024.
This programme is currently closed, find out more information here.
The Maternity And Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme is a national programme delivered locally in partnership to:
The MHSIP aims to improve safety and outcomes of mental health care by reducing unwarranted variation and providing a high-quality healthcare experience for all the people across the system by March 2024.
The Adoption and Spread Safety Improvement Programme (A&S-SIP) uses the national patient safety programme’s unique position to both identify and then support the spread and adoption of effective and safe, evidence-based interventions and practice across England. The programme focuses on increasing the proportion of eligible patients receiving the emergency laparotomy, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) discharge care bundles.
Good ideas, combined with the right direction and a culture of learning, can save lives.
In October 2020 the NHS became the first in the world to set the target of delivering a net zero national health system and we are committed to helping them in this goal. We are working to identify innovations which may help deliver more sustainable services. Find out more.
Tell us about the challenges you face when delivering health and care services.
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