Health Innovation East, on behalf of NHS England and NHS Improvement, convened leaders and decision makers from across the East of England healthcare system to showcase some of the best practice innovations from across ICSs and STPs in our region which we believe could be spread more widely as we move into future planning. These inspiring stories told how health and care professionals have come together during COVID-19 with innovative ways to deliver care.
The session focused on out-of-hospital innovations with a particular emphasis on supporting the vulnerable and reducing health inequalities.
EoE innovation showcase Oct20 from Health Innovation East on Vimeo.
The East of England regional innovation and transformation showcase was the first step in encouraging the spread of proven innovations. Health Innovation East is keen to support local-level meetings to provide leaders from local healthcare systems with the opportunity to explore the innovations of greatest relevance to their population in more depth, with a particular focus on supporting the most vulnerable and reducing health inequalities. If you would like to learn more about these events or any of the innovations featured in the showcase, contact
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