Improving access to high-impact neurorehabilitation

Strolll is bringing seamless immersive therapy into the homes of patients with neurological conditions.

Status: Completed


In the UK, over 150,000 people have Parkinson’s, 1.3 million people are stroke survivors and 150,000 live with multiple sclerosis (MS) (1) (2) (3). Patients with these conditions can benefit from rehabilitation to improve their movement, ability to carry out daily activities improve their quality of life.

However, according to NHS England, access to rehabilitation services within the NHS is limited. Workforce and funding shortages and geographic disparities, combined with low adherence to traditional rehabilitation programmes reduces outcomes for patients and health and care systems (4).



Strolll’s Reality DTx® solution facilitates safe, engaging rehab at home, using augmented reality (AR) glasses. The AR glasses have see-through lenses which ensures the real world remains visible and the content blends seamlessly to the physical space, enabling clinicians to deliver high-impact immersive therapy.

Neurological conditions cost the NHS £4.4 billion annually, including £2.3 billion for preventable falls (5)(6). Ineffective rehabilitation prolongs recovery and increases reliance on acute care.

With Reality DTx patients with Parkinson’s, those who live with MS and stroke survivors can access fun and engaging activities which improve their gait and balance and reduce their risk of falling, alongside improvement in clinical outcomes such as walking speed and mobility assessments. Users also report increased confidence, independence and enhanced quality of life.

Currently the technology delivers an economic contribution or savings for health and care systems in the following ways;

    • Replaces in-person sessions with remote therapy, where appropriate.
    • Helps reduce reducing agency staffing.
    • Helps manage waiting lists.
    • Supports the mitigation of falls and deterioration – helping prevent hospital admissions.

Health Innovation East’s support

Health Innovation East has been working with Strolll since 2022, providing mentoring support for their corporate and commercial needs and developing infographics and collateral. We have also given advice on market entry and position strategy for the NHS including working together on Strolll’s NHS Market Access plan.

Through the East of England Stroke Forum, Health Innovation East have been able to connect Strolll leadership to key stakeholders in the East of England Stroke Forum, including showcasing their innovation at their annual conference. We have also facilitated introductions to key NHS colleagues in the East of England to help implement the innovation in our region and have supported the development of a successful NIHR application.


Project Holocue

A study with 24 Parkinson’s patients in Amsterdam ‘Project Holocue’ demonstrated Reality DTx as a safe, high-dose intervention with 104% adherence – a very high level of engagement for a prescribed rehabilitation programme.

Traditionally, rehabilitation adherence is a well-documented challenge. An adherence rate above 100% indicates that not only did patients complete prescribed exercises, but also voluntarily engaged in more than prescribed.

Higher than usual adherence can be attributed to factors such as the engaging and immersive format Strolll’s (Reality DTx) AR intervention.

Importantly, a 104% adherence rate demonstrates that in this case Reality DTx successfully addressed common barriers to engaging with rehabilitation (7).

‘Life would be dull without Stroll’ – Peter and Freda’s story

Following successful feasibility studies, Reality DTx has secured £2.4 million funding, from the NIHR for a Randomised Control Trial (RCT) beginning in April 2025.


(1) Parkinson’s UK. (2024). About Parkinson’s. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2025].

(2) Stroke Association. (2024). Stroke statistics. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2025].

(3) MS Society. (2024). Number of people living with MS in UK increases. [Online]. Last Updated: 14 May 2024. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2025].

(4) NHS England. (2023). A new community rehabilitation and reablement model. [Online]. Last Updated: 2023. Available at: [Accessed 5 February 2025].

(5) UK Parliament. (2021). Neurological conditions and Covid-19. [Online]. Last Updated: 24 May 2021. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2025].

(6) Thakkar R. Dr. (2017). Falls prevention: a case for change. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 30 January 2025].

(7) Geerse DJ, Coolen B, van Hilten JJ, Roerdink M (2021). Holocue: a wearable holographic cueing application for alleviating freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease Frontiers in Neurology | doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.628388.


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