EoE Stroke Forum recordings and slides

The East of England Stroke Forum convenes healthcare professionals from across our region with a specific interest in stroke services.

An interactive online learning series

Over the course of three years, we will hold 22 interactive online learning sessions. Each session will draw on a range of expert speakers and have clearly defined learning objectives in alignment with the Stroke-specific Education Framework (SSEF). We intend to seek accreditation for these sessions, so that attendees can earn Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.

The sessions will run from November 2022 and then at regular intervals until May 2025.

Learn more about the East of England Stroke Forum or access the online repository of resources now.

Learning Session 1 – How can we plan the most impactful learning series to ensure you deliver best practice

Our first learning series in which we asked attendees to input on what they would like the learning series to cover, including our initial East of England Stroke Forum plans. 

Access the password to this video and download the slides here.

Learning Session 2 – An introduction to stroke assessment


Dr Kayvan Khadjooi, Consultant in Stroke Medicine 

Session synopsis:

This session covers the epidemiology of stroke, how to diagnose a stroke and the different classification of strokes.  

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the sign and symptoms of stroke 
  • Understand stroke sub-types and their aetiologies 

Please note: only those who registered or attended this event have access to this recording. 

Access the password to this video and download the slides here.

Learning session 3 – Getting communication and information right


  • Sara Betsworth, stroke delivery lead for the Stroke Association in the East of England 
  • Gemma Smith, Stroke Association support coordinator 

Session synopsis:

This session explores the skills and abilities that the Stroke Specific Education Framework requires of your role when communicating with and providing information to people affected by stroke.  

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand what is expected of you in your role regarding information giving and communications.
  • Reflect on the implications for your pathway – who, what, when? 
  • Know where to find additional resources and information to support people affected by stroke in their ongoing recovery.
  • Gain insight into ‘communication challenges’ for individuals affected by stroke and how you might approach them.  

Access the password to this video and download the slides here.

Learning session 4 – Stroke Specialist Rehab: Hyper Acute and Level 1 Rehabilitation Services

  • Speakers:
    Dr Anwar, consultant in rehabilitation medicine
  • Dr Udensi, consultant in neuro-rehabilitation

Session synopsis:

Rehabilitation services within the United Kingdom are divided into various levels to provide complex rehabilitation to patients with complex and challenging rehabilitation needs.

This session provides an overview of the rehabilitation services and describes the complexity for the suitable patients for these services.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the different levels of rehabilitation services within the UK.
  • Understand the patient categorisation tool and its importance in identifying patients with complex rehabilitation needs.
  • Understand the pathways for stroke patients with complex rehabilitation needs.

Access the password to this video and download the slides here.

Learning session 5 – Stroke mimics


  • Dr David Collas

Session synopsis:

Stroke symptoms can sometimes be due to other health conditions that affect the brain or body, these are known as stroke mimics. Around 20% of individuals experiencing stroke symptoms are not having a stroke. In this learning session Dr David Collas will cover the definitions of stroke mimics and the importance of accurate diagnosis, illustrated by case studies of the more common mimics.

Dr Collas will discuss what to look out for and how to investigate and confirm a stroke mimic, as well as the background understanding of these conditions which mimic stroke and how to respond (treat and refer).

The session will also cover the risks of misdiagnosis, including delays to appropriate treatment or inappropriate administration/withholding of thrombolysis.

Learning objectives:

– Awareness: what is a mimic, how do I recognise one?

– Assessment: what do I do to confirm diagnosis

– Action: what do I do once diagnosis confirmed

– Risks: of misdiagnosis and of mistreatment


Access the password to this video here

Learning session 6 – Out of Hours Acute Stroke Care in the East of England – Using Technology to Support Patient Care

  • Lynda Sibson
Session synopsis:
This session covers the background and overview of technology supporting the care of acute stroke patients, including some of our successes, challenges, and the future plans. 
Learning objectives:
  1. Emergency investigations and interventions for stroke and the timeframe within which they should be given (SSEF e8k_5) 
  2. The indication and contraindications for investigations, interventions, and treatments for stroke (SSEF e8k_7) 
  3. Different modalities to facilitate diagnosis and treatment of stroke e.g., telemedicine (SSEF e8k_8)
  4. The approaches to organisational and resource management (SSEF e18k_5) 


Access the password to this video and download the slides here.

Learning session 7 – Driving post stroke

  • Rebecca Stuck, highly specialist occupational therapist, Basildon Hospital
  • Tracy Davis, specialist occupational therapist in stroke, South East Essex
  • Jacky High-Caston, specialist occupational therapist and deputy CEO, East Anglian DriveAbility

Session synopsis:

Driving is a complex task, requiring multiple skills which are often compromised by stroke. Clinician’s can often be very unsure about what advice to give, what assessments to use and the process of informing to DVLA.

Working with our local Driving Assessment Centre has supported our ability to evaluate the service, collect data and develop a new driving pathway from acute to community.

We hope to share some learning and insights that we learnt along the way whilst undergoing our driving project.

Learning objectives:

  1. To understand the complexity of driving as an activity
  2. To understand the impact that stroke can have on someone’s ability to safely return to driving
  3. To feel more confident in your role as a clinician regarding driving post stroke
  4. To have an awareness of how driving assessment centres can support safe return of driving

Access the password to this video and download the slides here.

Learning session 8 – CT head imaging for stroke multidisciplinary team


  • Dr Ramachandran Sivakumar, consultant physician, Colchester Hospital

Session synopsis:

This session will highlight the snippets of anatomical-radiological correlation and CT Head imaging relevant for stroke MDT

Learning objectives:

  1. Improve knowledge of CT brain imaging interpretation (E9, 11, 18, 19)
  2. Learn relevant anatomy which aids interpretation of scans
  3. Pearls and pitfalls of CT imaging


Access the password to this video and download the slides here

Learning session 9 – End of life care following a stroke


  • Dr Ruth Diver
  • Dr Simon Etkind
  • Dr Nicholas Evans

Session synopsis:

We will aim to think about how to provide excellent care to patients at the end of life following stroke, looking at a number of commonly seen situations and the skills needed to manage them well.

Learning objectives:

  1. To review the principles of excellent care in the last days of life and how these apply to patients following stroke
  2. To consider issues and uncertainty and complexity particularly relating to clinically assisted hydration and nutrition and infections
  3. To consider the importance of future care planning and coordination with community services at the end of life
  4. To think about how stroke and palliative care teams can work well together to care for patients following stroke

Access the password to this video and download the slides here

Learning session 10 – Integrated life after a stroke

  • Sara Betsworth, Stroke Delivery Lead, Stroke Association
  • Krzysztof Walecki, Support Coordinator, Stroke Association
  • Kat Spong, Support Coordinator, Stroke Association
  • Tracy Hughes, Engagement Officer, Stroke Association

Session synopsis:

In this session we will look at the practical, emotional, and social input which enables people affected by stroke rebuild their life after stroke, promote their independence and reduce their risk of further stroke – and hear some stroke survivor stories.

Learning objectives:

  1. Where Life After Stroke fits in national guidance and models
  2. What the components of Integrated Life After Stroke support are
  3. Examples of Life After Stroke Support and its impact
  4. How to find out what is available in your area

Access the password to this video here

Get involved

To be kept up-to date on the interactive learning sessions, the regional conferences or to request access to the online repository, please register your interest below. If you would like to hear more about this project, or would like to get involved, please contact strokeforum@healthinnovationeast.co.uk.

You can also find out about our wider work in improving the detection and management of cardiovascular disease (CVD).


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