The National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (NatPatSIPs)

The National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (NatPatSIPs) support a culture of safety, continuous learning and sustainable improvement across the healthcare system.

The National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (NatPatSIPs) are a key part of the NHS Patient Safety Strategy, and collectively form the largest safety initiative in the history of the NHS.

The programme’s aim is to promote safer care and reduce error and harm, so the NHS becomes comparable with the safest health care services in the world by 2025.

The Patient Safety Collaboratives (PSCs) are key delivery partners of the national programmes. PSCs are hosted by Health Innovation Networks, and have expertise in supporting safer care initiatives, working across organisational boundaries, coaching teams, building capability, measuring change and supporting improvement approaches.

They do this by working with all health and care settings, such as maternity units, mental health trusts, care homes and Integrated Care Systems.

At the heart of the work, and underpinning all of the workstreams, the PSCs support:

  • Safer systems of care that reflect continuous learning and improvement i.e. moving a step close to developing a learning system
  • The conditions for a culture of safety to flourish
  • An understanding of learning from errors and excellence
  • The reduction of avoidable harm and variations in safe care delivery
  • Shared improvement learning for the benefit of others
  • Approaches that tackle inequalities in patient safety
  • Safety interventions that provide clear benefits to the workforce

Key enablers for the NatPatSIPs

The delivery of the safety improvement programmes is shaped by the following key enablers:

  • Addressing inequalities: understand local health inequalities to ensure selected interventions improve the lives of those with the worst health outcomes.
  • Patient and carer co-design: employ a co-production approach with patients, carers and service users who represent the diversity of the population served.
  • Safety culture: use safety culture insights to inform quality improvement approaches.
  • Patient safety networks: coordinate and facilitate patient safety networks to provide the sub-regional delivery architecture for improvement.
  • Clinical leadership: identify and nurture clinical leadership to lead improvement through the networks
  • Building QI capacity and capability: use the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) dosing approach to build quality improvement capacity and capability.
  • Measurement: develop a robust measurement plan including relevant process, balancing and outcomes metrics, using the IHI’s Model for Improvement.
  • Improvement and innovation pipeline: undertake horizon-scanning and prioritisation to inform future national workstreams.

Patient safety in the East of England

You can find out more about our work in each of the safety improvement programmes across the region below:

Pregnant mum maternity
Maternity and Neonatal Safety Improvement Programme (MatNeoSIP)

The MatNeoSIP aims to reduce the rate of stillbirths, neonatal death and brain injuries occurring during or soon after birth by 50% by 2025.

Find out more…

Healthcare assistant putting on mask
The System Safety Improvement Programme (SSIP)

The aim of the programme is to create optimal conditions for patient safety improvement to flourish through working closely with integrated care systems (ICSs).

Find out more…

Pills, tablets and medicine
Medicines Safety Improvement Programme (MedSIP)

MedSIP aims to reduce severe avoidable medication-related harm by 50% by March 2024.

Find out more…

National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes (NatPatSIPs) driver diagram

NatPatSIP PSC driver diagram 22-23

Caroline Angel Health Innovation East Director of Patient Safety
Get in touch

For more information, please contact Caroline Angel, Director of Patient Safety at Health Innovation East on

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