Our projects

Find out about our work

We support projects at different stages of the innovation pathway to deliver meaningful change to health and care. These are some of the programmes of work and innovations we have supported.



Frailty+LD is a tool that is being piloted in the East of England to identify frailty risk sooner among people living with learning disabilities.

Improving diagnosis of eating disorders

Supporting mental health teams to speed up diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders in young people using the First episode Rapid Early intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) service.

This is a national Health Innovation Network adoption and spread initiative.Â

Improving lives of people with severe asthma

Health Innovation East is supporting the adoption of biologic treatments to reduce the number and severity of exacerbations, hospitalisations and deaths.
This innovation is being supported as part of the Rapid Uptake Products (RUP) programme.

Just One Norfolk

JustOneNorfolk.nhs.uk is a trusted multimedia educational initiative (e-learning / website, community forum, helpline, confidential chat service for children) available 24/7, empowering Norfolk parents to achieve the optimum health and wellbeing of their children (0-19 years).

Liberate Pro

Liberate Pro is an app that empowers patients to better manage their conditions whilst reduce the number of clinical appointments needed. It allows a clinician to record their consultation with their patient and send it to them with the further guidance to support understanding of how to manage their condition better.

Little Journey

Reducing anxiety in children through virtual reality

Measuring fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) concentration in asthma

FeNO testing is a method of diagnosing asthma by measuring fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FeNO) in the breath of patients. It aims to improve patient care and outcomes by more effective diagnosis of patients suspected of having asthma. Rollout supported nationally by the AHSN Network as part of the Rapid Uptake Product (RUP) programme.

Medic Bleep

Medic Bleep enables hospital and community staff to communicate and collaborate within and across organisations, sharing vital information about patients accurately and safely whilst also save time.
Health Innovation East supported the evaluation of both a pilot and wider roll out across West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust.


MediShout provides a digital platform to integrate all logistical departments, giving clinicians an app to instantly report any issue and track the progress to resolution, while using artificial intelligence (AI) to predict future problems.


MySpira is an app that uses augmented reality and gameplay to help children between the ages of 6–13 years learn about asthma and proper inhaler technique, to reduce the number of children admitted to hospitals for incorrect use of inhalers.

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