Our projects

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We support projects at different stages of the innovation pathway to deliver meaningful change to health and care. These are some of the programmes of work and innovations we have supported.


Cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention programme

Improving the detection and management of the high-risk conditions atrial fibrillation (AF), high blood pressure and high cholesterol as well as early diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolaemia.


CareMonitR enables GP Practices to automate their recall and monitoring activity for patients with long term conditions and standardise care for multimorbidity management. Using intelligent algorithms, the software automatically identifies patients requiring recall and highlights tests required prior to the patient’s review. CareMonitR is a product from CareDoctR.

Detecting and monitoring for signs of poor esophageal health

Cytosponge is a tool to detect Barrett’s Oesophagus – a precursor to oesophageal cancer – which is minimally invasive and can be used in primary care. Using Cytosponge a patient swallows a capsule, about the size of a multi-vitamin pill, which is attached to a cord. When swallowed, the capsule dissolves to release a sponge. The sponge can then be removed by a nurse a few minutes later collecting cells along its passage. These cells are then tested in the laboratory using an accurate method developed by the Fitzgerald Laboratory.

Health Innovation East is looking at how to support the use of Cytosponge in primary care across the region.


C2-Ai is an impact enhanced risk analysis tool which aims to help healthcare services manage waiting lists by triaging patients for elective care using key indicators related to efficiency and patient outcomes. This will also be used to develop other AI-based approaches to support the NHS recovery.


DASHclinic is a clinic queue management tool designed to optimise patient flow in outpatients services. It aims to improve healthcare for both patients and medical staff by reducing unnecessary waiting and creating time to care. DASHclinic also includes notetaking, task requesting, and performing smart clinical coding. Health Innovation East is funding an evaluation of the tool.

Focus ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

The Focus ADHD programme aims to transform the diagnosis of ADHD across the region. As part of our Focus ADHD programme we use the QbTest which is an objective assessment tool for the assessment of ADHD.
This is a national Health Innovation Network adoption and spread initiative.


Frailty+LD is a tool that is being piloted in the East of England to identify frailty risk sooner among people living with learning disabilities.

Improving diagnosis of eating disorders

Supporting mental health teams to speed up diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders in young people using the First episode Rapid Early intervention for Eating Disorders (FREED) service.

This is a national Health Innovation Network adoption and spread initiative.Â

Improving lives of people with severe asthma

Health Innovation East is supporting the adoption of biologic treatments to reduce the number and severity of exacerbations, hospitalisations and deaths.
This innovation is being supported as part of the Rapid Uptake Products (RUP) programme.

Just One Norfolk

JustOneNorfolk.nhs.uk is a trusted multimedia educational initiative (e-learning / website, community forum, helpline, confidential chat service for children) available 24/7, empowering Norfolk parents to achieve the optimum health and wellbeing of their children (0-19 years).

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